說明:「The largest solar power system in Hong Kong is unveiled at Lamma power station, which can maintain superior power output under high temperatures or on cloudy days, operator HongKong Electric says.The thin film used in the system uses less silicon and is more environmentally friendly. It is estimated the HK$23 million project will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 520 tonnes a year. It is expected to generate enough power to supply the needs of 150 four-member families.」

Sam Tsang攝
南華早報 2010.07.30

新聞是全港最大的太陽能發電系統. 視覺元素於是有兩: 太陽光接收板和多大的規模.
攝影記者曾國宗的照片裡, 工作人員的存在是必要的, 觀者靠他來知道每塊太陽板的大少.
而遠處的圍牆被納入鏡頭內, 顯示全港最大的系統到底有多"廣大".
現實世界的空間和物件的形態在廣角鏡前被扭曲, 但是在照片中適當地安放眾所周知的參考尺yardstick,
通過照片, 不在場的讀者更容易理解現實的空間比例.
美國攝影師 Waker Evans 就很善長用照片再現現實世界的空間.

