Statement by Hong Kong Press Photographer Association regarding the violent actions in Mong Kok:
香港攝影記者協會就今天 (2016年2月9日) 清晨時分有多名記者和攝影記者於旺角採訪騷亂期間遇襲及被阻擋採訪予以譴責,並認為任何針對記者的暴力行為,將會徹底破壞香港尊重言論自由的基礎。
1) 一名無綫電視攝影師在旺角拍攝焚燒雜物和撬起路面磚塊期間,有示威者以發泡膠板阻擋鏡頭及企圖以碎裂的玻璃擲向攝影師,阻止他繼續拍攝;
2) 一名有線電視攝影師頭部被磚頭擊中受傷;
3) 一名香港電台記者正進行採訪,被示威者以磚頭襲擊,其手上的錄音器材亦損毀;
4) 一名明報記者採訪期間,即使已表明記者身分,仍遭警員毆打
The Hong Kong Press Photographer Associate (HKPPA) condemns the violent actions by protesters targeted against multiple reporters and photojournalists during the news coverage of the riot in Mong Kok earlier today (Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2016).
During the early hours of the morning, multiple accounts of journalists sustaining injuries and attacks have been reported, including but not limited:
1) a TVB News cameraman was threatened to cease filming by attempting to throw broken glass at him when he was covering rioters setting fire and creating roadblocks; and
2) a Cable News Hong Kong cameraman sustained head injuries from a brick; and
3) a Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) reporter was attacked by protesters using a brick when covering the incident, and the voice recording equipment was damaged as a result.
4) a Ming Pao reporter was allegedly assulted by police officers after identifying himself as a member of the media
HKPPA express our deepest sympathies on the injuries sustained by our fellow colleagues and we hope for their speedy recovery.
HKPPA respects and believes that freedom of expression, speech and assembly is a core part of Hong Kong. Different viewpoints should be respected. We believe ideologies and opinions should be expressed rationally instead of through violence. We ask our fellow colleagues to pay close attention to the situation and emotions of protesters when covering similar events in the future, carry appropriate equipment and seek help or support from appropriate authorities.
Hong Kong Press Photographer Association