(注意:活動通知) 11月29日 星期六 早上十一時 灣仔警總
傳媒工作者被襲 業界集體報案
News industry file reports collectively on assault of newsman
On Tuesday evening, 25 November 2014, an engineer of NOW TV news, Li Siu-lung, was subdued by police officers for allegedly assaulting a police officer while he was carrying out reporting duties with colleagues in Mong Kok. He suffered multiple injuries to his head and body during the process. After more than 24 hours of detention, Mr Li was released unconditionally, but the police have stressed it retains the right to prosecute in the future.
Since the Occupy Movement started, some police officers have been antagonizing the media. Despite repeated dialogue between various media organizations and senior police management, the situation has not improved. It has, in fact, worsened with the recent arrests and assaults on reporters. These arrests and assaults are a suppression of a free press. Yesterday, police arrested a cameraman of Apple Daily for allegedly assaulting a police officer. We believe that there will be more confrontations between the police and the public in the near future, and journalists will face even greater threats. We can no longer look on and do nothing.
為此,香港記者協會、香港攝影記者協會 、香港電台節目製作人員工會、壹傳媒工會、大專新聞教育工作者聯席緊急呼籲業界友好,站出來做良好巿民,協助緝兇,就Now新聞台同業遇襲的情況向警方報案。
Five media-related organizations — the Hong Kong Journalists Association, the Hong Kong Press Photographers Association, the RTHK Programme Staff Union, the Next Media Trade Union, and Journalism Educators for Press Freedom, are therefore jointly making an urgent appeal to those in the industry to step forward, as good citizens, to file a report to police concerning the assault ont the Now TV engineer.
Regardless of where you are when the incident happened, and whether you are aware of it through TV or internet video clips, we call on you to file a report if you suspect a crime has been committed. This is similar to how you would assist the police and file a report if you witness a crime captured by a surveillance camera.
我們將於11月29日(周六)早上十一時,到灣仔軍器廠街警察總部集體報案,冀不同傳媒機構的同業響應。由於未能預計報案人數,輪候時間難料。然而撲滅罪行,人人有責,我們希望集合同業的力量,協助緝拿真兇, 同時歡迎巿民大眾伸出援手。
We will be outside the police headquarters at Arsenal Street at 11am on November 29 (Saturday), and file reports to police collectively. We hope journalists from different media organizations can show their support and join the cause. We cannot estimate the waiting time to file the reports as we do not know how many journalists will show up. But it is every citizen’s responsibility to report crimes. We hope to gather the support of journalists, and we welcome members of the general public to offer a helping hand.