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【《 前線焦點2023》 新聞攝影比賽新增學生組】

可能是一人或多人、人群和顯示的文字是「 FF 生 焦 焦前 點線 點 學 FOCUS STUDENT CATEGORIES 23 AT THE FRONTLINE PHOTO COMPETITION I 現已接受報名 截止日期 DEADLINE: OPENFENTRE OPEN ENTRIES 2024.3.15 23:59 ÛT 香港攝影記者協會」的圖像



報名日期:2024年2月16日 (即日開始)
截止日期:2024年3月15日 晚上11時59分

• 參賽者可以提交任何人物、環境、特寫等最多五張作品,但必須符合執委會訂下的「復常」為主題。
• 相片必須在2023 年內拍攝。

圖片故事組別 Photo Essay:
• 以組圖形式展示一個主題,主題不限。
• 主題組圖部分必須於2023年內完成,但評判會視乎具體內容,容許一些照片早於2023年前拍攝。





For the first time, HKPPA is opening the annual “Focus at the Frontline” competition to student entries, introducing two new student categories photo essays and “return to normalcy” themed singles . The entries will go through the same rigorous judging process by professionals in the industry. With this new development, we hope to recognise the work of students’ and their potential in delivering images with news and artistic values.

Open for entries: February 16, 2024
Deadline: March 15, 2024 23:59

Singles theme: “Return to normalcy”
• Up to five photos under the theme of “Return to Normalcy” can be submitted. Photos submitted can include portraits, features, breaking news, environment and other work.
• All photos must be taken within 2023.

Photo essays: open to all themes
• A collection of photographs that highlights a theme. Any theme can be submitted in this category.
• The majority of the pictures should be taken in 2023, however, it’s at the jury’s discretion to allow pictures taken before 2023 to be a part of the submission.

Application form: https://forms.gle/pT97aPVNYae1tpxj7
Competition details: http://hkppa.net/photo-contest

Submission is open to all full-time students and the application fee is $250. Please attach a proof of student status when submitting your work.

【《 前線焦點2023 》 新聞攝影比賽接受報名】

可能是顯示的文字是「 FAEH 焦 焦前 點線 FOCUS AT THE FRONTLINE I 23 COMPETITION PHOTO 現已接受報名 截止日期 2024.3.15 晚上11時59分 HONG PGP 香港攝影記者協會」的圖像


報名日期:2024年2月15日 (即日開始)
截止日期:2024年3月15日 晚上11時59分


The annual “Focus at the Frontline 2023” news photography competition opens today. Categories receiving applications include Breaking News, General News, Portrait, Sports, Feature, Nature and Environment, and Photo Essay. The jury will be composed of professionals in the news photography, media and artistic industries and will be announced in due course.

Details of the competition:
Commencement of application: February 15, 2024
Deadline for application: 23:59 March 15, 2024
Application form:
Competition details:


《前線‧焦點 2022》比賽結果 “FOCUS AT THE FRONTLINE” 2022 RESULTS




曾國宗 Tsang Kwok Chung 南華早報 SCMP

Newly legislators poses for a group photo after Oath-Taking ceremony for Legislative Council at Legco Building, Admiralty. 03JAN22.

(A) 突發新聞組(共收到90張)


楊曉燊 Yeung Hiu Sun 南華早報 SCMP

Commuters leave MTR train and walk to Tseung Kwan O Station after MTR services got suspended in the rush hour in the morning as couplings between two carriages failed, bringing the train to a sudden halt. 05DEC22


勞顯亮 Lao Xianliang 香港01 HK01

2022年7月28日,香港偶像組合MIRROR演唱會期間,一塊懸掛在半空的巨型LED熒幕突然掉下,兩名舞蹈員被壓倒嚴重受傷,其中一人李啟言(阿Mo)傷勢嚴重,有可能會全身癱瘓。這張照片剛好拍攝到熒幕掉下一刻,一名舞蹈員被壓倒,其他舞蹈員正合力移走熒幕,MIRROR成員盧瀚霆(Anson Lo)和呂爵安(Edan)停止唱歌,驚訝地望向舞台中央。

During a concert by Hong Kong’s singing boy group MIRROR at the Hong Kong Coliseum on July 28, 2022, a large overhead video screen fell onto the stage, seriously injuring two dancers. One of them, Li Kai-yin Moses, is at risk of being paralyzed. This photo captures the moment the screen fell and crushed one of the dancers. Other people were helping to remove the screen while two members of MIRROR, Anson Lo and Edan Lui, looked shocked.


梁銘康 Leung Ming Hong 自由攝影師 Freelance Photographer

2022年10月16日,一批在英港人在中共二十大開幕當日,到中國駐曼徹斯特總領事館外請願。 示威期間,時任駐曼城總領事鄭㬢原突然帶同多名外交人員走出領事館,先搶走示威道具,再將一名港人示威者強行扯入領事館範圍內圍毆,一名警員制止不果,最後要由兩名警員步入領事館範圍將該名港男救出。


Daniel Ceng ZUMA Press

14 years old Alexandria (front-right), accompanied by her mom, smiles as she touches her father, who was a Ukrainian soldier and was killed in Karkhiv during a fight against the Russian forces, for the last time during his funeral service in Dnipro, Ukraine, 13 May 2022. Her father was found dead on May 8, a day before the Russian Victory Day. But Alexandria says smiles may help conquer the pain of losing her loved ones.

Daniel Ceng ZUMA Press

An elderly woman, together with her dogs, walks past a building damaged by a Russian missile strike in the town of Borodyanka in Ukraine, as a large number of residents are said to have been buried under the rubble of several other collapsed buildings in the area, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Before liberated in early April, Borodyanka was occupied by the Russian forces. Lethal weapons including missiles and artillery were used against civilians, killing hundreds in the town.

王昕甯 Bertha Wang 自由攝影師 Freelance Photographer

Construction workers move the metal sheets to cover up a campus inscription mourning the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown on a campus footbridge at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) on January 29, 2022.

(B) 一般新聞組(共收到256張)


曾國宗 Tsang Kwok Chung 南華早報 SCMP

Newly legislators poses for a group photo after Oath-Taking ceremony for Legislative Council at Legco Building, Admiralty. 03JAN22.


林林 Lin Lin 壹蘋新聞網 Nextapple News



梁偉榮 Leung Wai Wing 香港經濟日報 HKET



吳冠文 Robert Ng 南華早報 SCMP

The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor departs after meeting the Chief Executive-elect, Mr John Lee Ka-chiu at CGO. 09MAY22

鄧宗弘 Tang Chung Wang 明報 Ming Pao

2022 年 02 月 16 日 猶如海嘯的第五波新冠疫情愈滾愈大,幾何級上升的個案塞爆急症室,大批輪候入院的病人要在寒風中露宿在室外無瓦遮頭的病牀 上等候。期間有兩名老人被安置在明愛醫院急症室外旁邊的病床,衣衫單薄,插着氧氣喉的伯伯聽着手機,旁邊的婆婆向他伸手。

曾國宗 Tsang Kwok Chung 南華早報 SCMP

The East Rail Line Cross-Harbour Extension commence service on 15 May 2022. MTR Corporation arrange a “Special Train for First Service Day of East Rail Line Crossing Harbour” departing from Exhibition Centre Station at Wan Chai. 15MAY22

(C) 人物(共收到133張)


朱安妮 Chu On Ni Annie 明報 Ming Pao

2022年3月31日 無家者周雄光手執「表哥」馬月榮遺照。馬月榮不幸於無家者告政府案裁決前病逝,無緣見證勝訴時刻。


Daniel Ceng ZUMA Press

March 12, 2022, Lviv, Ukraine: A Ukrainian kid holding a pneumatic pistol and a paper target with the face of Russian President Vladimir Putin, reacts to his mom’s phone camera, at a gun gallery in Lviv, amid the ongoing Russian invasion. Russian attacks on Ukraine have continued, with multiple bombings, tank attacks and killing of civilians reported in several cities since the beginning of the war. Civilians have started to get trained for combat situations and emergency, including learning how to use firearms.


楊柏賢 Yeung Pak Yin 明報 Ming Pao



馮凱鍵 Fung Hoi Kin 明報 Ming Pao


蔡文豪 Choi Man Hou 大公報 Ta Kung Pao


夏家朗 Ha Ka Long 香港01 HK01


(D) 體育(共收到86張)


李睿哲 Lee Yui Chit Eugene AM730

Snooker Legend Ronnie “Rocket” O’Sullivan and local hero Marco Fu play neck and neck in the finals of Hong Kong Masters on October 9, 2022.


方家遠 Philip Fong 法新社 AFP

In this picture taken on July 7, 2022 “Epara” enthusiast Shunya Hatakeyama poses for a photo following an interview with AFP at his home in Shiwa, Iwate Prefecture. – Street Fighter player Shunya Hatakeyama has muscular dystrophy so uses his chin to launch devastating combos. He is not the only Japanese gamer proving that disability is no barrier in eSports.


蕭梅麟 Siu Mui Lun 亞新社 EyePress

Michelle Li of Canada attend the Perodua Malaysia Masters 2022 at Axiata Arena, Bukit Jalil in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 06 July, 2022.


李睿哲 Lee Yui Chit Eugene AM730


楊柏賢 Yeung Pak Yin 明報 Ming Pao


楊柏賢 Yeung Pak Yin 明報 Ming Pao

2022年6月23日,霹靂舞成為巴黎奧運的正式項目,舞齡長達16年的B-Boy Think(曾子驊),亦因霹靂舞而從「街童」變成有機會衝擊奧運的舞者,他笑言霹靂舞就像一齣電影,當中要有起承轉合,即使其跳舞風格有如迷宮,但他亦盼在結尾一刻找到出口。盼跳出香港,挑戰更高舞台。

(E) 特寫(共收到213張)


Louise Delmotte 自由攝影師 Freelance Photographer

A hotel staff wearing PPE waits outside a room at a government-designated quarantine hotel to conduct a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test on a traveler under quarantine order in Hong Kong, May 9, 2022.


Wong Yat Him 自由攝影師 Freelance Photographer



何家豪 Ho Ka Ho 誌傳媒 HK Feature



陳子煜 Chan Tsz Yuk Alex 自由攝影師 Freelance Photographer

A woman was sunbathing on a grass field next to the Dnipro River in Dnipro on Wednesday, June 1, 2022.Dnipro, Ukraine’s fourth-largest city, with about one million inhabitants, and was located in the eastern part of Ukraine, the city has rapidly developed as a logistical hub for humanitarian aid and a reception point for people fleeing multiple battle fronts due to the closest main city to the Donbas region, one of the most fierce fighting frontlines in the war.The city was relatively safe without constant shelling in the city, and people trying to live a normal life under the war happening in their homeland


蔡文豪 Choi Man Hou 大公報 Ta Kung Pao



方家遠 Philip Fong 法新社 AFP

In this long exposure picture, staff members from the Hoshinoya Tokyo hotel demonstrate the “Lantern Dining Experience”, where lanterns made by Kojima Shoten – a shop in Kyoto – are used to shroud diners for mask-free dining amid the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, during a media event at the hotel in Tokyo on February 28, 2022.

(F) 自然與環境(共收到127張)


易仰民 Yik Yeung Man 南華早報 SCMP

Clean workers transporting clinical wastes in Caritas Medical Centre in Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong March 06 2022.


李睿哲 Lee Yui Chit Eugene 星島日報 Sing Tao Daily

The arrival hall of Hong Kong international Airport is nearly empty on 27 March, 2022. Hong Kong has lost its status as an international aviation hub because of China’s zero-covid policy and strict quarantine rules for inbound travelers.


王昕甯 Bertha Wang 自由攝影師 Freelance Photographer

Cranes at a temporary hospital for Covid-19 patients under construction, foreground, near the border with Shenzhen, rear, in the Lok Ma Chau Loop area of Hong Kong, China, on Tuesday, March 15, 2022. About half of Hong Kong’s 7.4 million people have already been infected with Covid-19, according to an estimate of the damage caused by the deadly omicron wave that’s overwhelmed the city.


朱安妮 Chu On Ni Annie 明報 Ming Pao

2022年12月1日 環保協進會為抵達小冷水的越冬斑蝶在翅膀畫上標記,包括捕捉日期、品種等,以便追查牠們的遷徙路線。


歐嘉樂 Au Ka Lok 香港01 HK01


曾國宗 Tsang Kwok Chung 南華早報 SCMP

People exercising in the early morning under the foggy weather at MacLehose Trail, Tai Mo Shan. 27JAN22.

(G) 圖片故事(共收到67輯)


林振東 Lam Chun Tung 端傳媒 Initium Media




陳焯輝 Chan Cheuk Fai 端傳媒 Initium Media



政治銅像的豎立,除了紀念,象徵執政者權力與意志的延伸。蔣介石和蔣經國父子掌權多年,生前死後,台灣各地豎立大量個人銅像。據促進轉型正義委員會統計,2021年,扣除慈湖雕塑紀念公園的兩蔣塑像,單在公共空間的兩蔣塑像及遺像共計966個,當中蔣介石塑像共830個。蔣像的神貌、衣著、姿態、銅像之高度都有一定繩準,例如,行政院在1975年5月頒布《永久紀念總統蔣公辦法》:“銅像之神貌應充分顯示 蔣公慈祥、雍容之神貌,並蘊含大仁、大智、大勇、堅毅、樂觀之革命精神,與至誠、博愛、愉快、生動之神情。”




麥尚旻 Mak Sheung Man TMHK

So Long, the Queen. 8-19 September 2022.

Queen Elizabeth II passed away on September 8, 2022 at the age of 96. Ever since the announcement of her death, thousands of people mourn outside the Buckingham Palace in London, the United Kingdom. People spend at least 12 hours in the “Queue” across the Thames River to file past the Queen’s coffin in Westminster Hall where she lies in state before the funeral took place on September 19. Queen Elizabeth II is the longest-reigning monarch in the British history.


林亦 Lam Yik 自由攝影師 Freelance Photographer

More than 12,000 people die because of Covid-19 in Hong Kong during 2022, mostly elderly. Following China’s Covid Zero policy, all activities banned, residential building lockdown everyday, people are not only have to worry about their life, but also food shortage, quarantine, queue up for swab test everyday. A year of blur, life and death in Hong Kong.

曾國宗 Tsang Kwok Chung 南華早報 SCMP

Residents queue up for the Covid-19 test at a mobile specimen collection station in Mong Kok. The city has more than 1,000 confirmed coronavirus infections for the first time since the pandemic began. From January in 2022, the fifth wave of the pandemic with its rapidly increasing case numbers forced the city government to give up its previous protocols for testing, quarantine, treatment and discharge from hospitals.

May Tse 南華早報 SCMP

The queuing line for Covid-19 PCR tests in the community screening centre in Muk Lun Street Playground, Wong Tai Sin is now decommissioned as more residents find RAT kits more handy and widely available. Sports Ground, Park, and BBQ site are closed to the public, under the anti-coronavirus measures. Hongkongers have been living under strict social-distancing rules as part of the fight against Covid-19.

【📸新聞攝影技巧工作坊(二) Photojournalism Workshop 2】




(如以會員價購票請輸入promo code──記協會員輸入會員編號;攝記協會員輸入其專屬promo code)


【新聞攝影作品集點評 Photojournalism Portfolio Review】


我哋好榮幸邀請到行內資深攝影記者楊德銘(Paul Yeung),同大家做個Portfolio review,為你嘅作品提供意見——不論係daily港聞,抑或係自己嘅project,一對一咁深入點評同討論,希望大家可以突破到樽頸位!



地點:JCCAC 光影作坊


楊德銘(Paul Yeung),自由攝影師、大學講師及策展人。倫敦大學金匠學院「影像及傳播」碩士畢業。曾任雜誌圖片編輯及攝影記者,屢獲攝影獎項。作品多以幽默方式關注社會狀態。2012年舉辦首個個人攝影展「花非花」。2017年發表他的首部攝影集《Yes Madam, Sorry Ah Sir》。其他重點作品包括《沒有廣告的廣告板》、《八九風光如此美好》、《No Paint No Games》、《Dark Light》等,作品多次在國際展出,並獲香港文化博物館及私人收藏。


【新聞攝影技巧工作坊 Photojournalism Workshop】









第一節(10:30AM -12:00PM)及第二節(1:00PM – 2:30PM)由資深攝記林振東主講,講述新聞現場拍攝及處理;
第三節(2:45PM – 4:15PM),由攝記協執委劉駿軒及陳子煜分享捕捉突發影像的實戰經驗

購票時請輸入promo code──記協會員請輸入會員編號;攝記協會員請輸入其專屬promo code






《前線 · 焦點》新聞攝影比賽評審日 Judging of Annual “Focus at Frontline” Photo Contest

《前線 · 焦點》新聞攝影比賽評審日將訂於三月十八日 (星期六) 下午二時至下午八時假觀塘鴻圖道59號鵬光大廈1樓 The Lobby 舉行。歡迎各位到場支持。 We are pleased to announce that this year’s judging of the annual “Focus at Frontline” photo contest will take place on Saturday, March 18, 2016 from 2pm to 8pm at 1/F, Pang Kwong Bldg, 59 Hung To Rd, Kwun Tong (The Lobby). Everyone is welcomed to observe the judging process.


《前線‧焦點 2015》新聞攝影比賽結果 Focus On The Frontline 2015 Photo Competition Results

由香港攝影記者協會舉辦之《前線‧焦點 2015》周年新聞攝影比賽,於三月十二日 (星期六) 假香 港攝影記者協會會址順利舉行評審。今屆比賽共收到 67 名參賽者合共 1,361 張作品,其中一份 作品被取消資格。經過 7 位評判專業評審選出七個組別的得奬作品, 比賽結果如下: http://hkppa.net/contest2015

The judging of the annual “Focus on the Frontline” 2015 photo competition concluded today (Saturday, March 12, 2016). The jury reviewed 1,356 photographs submitted from
67 photojournalists, with one entry being disqualified. The results are as follows: http://hkppa.net/contest2015

2015 年度圖片 Photo of the Year 2015

作品得主Award winner: 葉家豪 — 端傳媒 Yip Ka Ho — Initium

2015年10月15日, 佐敦一家二十四小時營業的麥當勞, 午夜過後, 不少人於餐廳內留宿 。
2015年10月15日, 佐敦一家二十四小時營業的麥當勞, 午夜過後, 不少人於餐廳內留宿 。

本年度的新聞年度圖片殊榮,由《 端傳媒 》葉家豪奪得,得獎作品為「麥難⺠」。評審團認為, 這張照片指向了香港極為特殊的狀況,引人反思。快餐店成為社會中的避風港、基層市⺠的依靠 ,更展現出包容弱勢社群的感覺。照片意識豐富,所表達的訊息不單是「土地問題」,思考空間 較大,有社會內容。事件雖然並非爆炸性的新聞事件,但照片呈現的事件⻑遠及深遠,甚為耐看 。另外,照片的視覺效果及新聞元素的分佈、構圖、光調等, 都有上佳的平衡。基於以上各種考 慮,故選為年度圖片。

整體而言,評審團認為,年度相片及圖輯組冠軍都不約而同地間接呼應社會。各位攝影記者以其 獨特的表現方法, 記錄社會的人和事 。雖然從眾多作品見到採訪環境充滿挑戰,但仍希望攝影記 者能夠繼續以影像,捕捉社會不同的角落。

《前線‧焦點》新聞攝影比賽為一年一度全港最大型的新聞攝影比賽,最早於 1993 年開始舉辦, 為本港同類比賽中規模最大的一個。所有得獎新聞照片,均由香港專業的攝影記者拍攝及經評判 精挑細選,務求向社會大眾展示具歷史意義,又兼具新聞和藝術價值的攝影作品。希冀加深市⺠ 對時事的關注認識,提昇大眾對攝影記者和傳媒的工作的認同, 同時表揚各得獎攝影記者室過去 一年對業界的努力和貢獻。

評判主要來自新聞攝影持份者的各界別,今屆七位評審 (排名不分先後) 包括:

  1. 曾梓洋 —《前線‧焦點 2014》新聞攝影比賽圖片故事組別冠軍,資深攝影記者
  2. 孫樹坤 — 香港浸會大學新聞攝影講師
  3. 余聰賢 — 前攝影記者,前香港攝影記者協會主席
  4. 游清源 — 網上媒體《852 郵報》創辦人暨總編輯
  5. 李立峯 — 中文大學新聞與傳播學院教授
  6. 程展緯 — 本地藝術家
  7. 余偉建 — 美聯社攝影記者

The “Photo of the Year” was awarded to the “McRefugees” photograph taken by Sam Yip Ka Ho of Initium. The jury feels the image best portrays the unique situation that Hong Kong is currently facing and provokes many thoughts. The image well documented the humanity and acceptance towards the underprivileged groups from the city. There is a deeper message

captured by the image beyond the usual “land problems” that a lot of people face everyday. Although this is not an image with shocking visual, but it definitely has a deeper and longer impact to everyone. Furthermore, there is a balance between the visual effect and news elements distributed in the image, such as composition and tone.

Overall, the jury feels there is a resonance with the community in the “Photo of the Year” and the winner of the photo story. Despite many harsh conditions that we witnessed when reviewing photos in the competition, they still hope photojournalists will continue to use their own unique and special method to tell stories of different events and people in the city.

“Focus On The Frontline” photo contest first began in 1993 and has been one of the largest photo competitions in Hong Kong and one of the most prestigious awards for photojournalists. Through this competition, we would like to to feature photographs that are important to the history, combined with elements of art and journalism taken by photojournalists within the year. Also to provide recognition of their great work and give an insight to the works of photojournalists and the media to the general public.

The make up of the jury panel are stakeholders of photojournalism and are as follows:

  1. Eric Tsang — Focus on the Frontline 2014 Photo Essay Category winner, Veteran Photojournalist
  2. Leon Suen — Hong Kong Baptist University Lecturer in Photojournalism
  3. C.Y. Yu — Former Photojournalist and former HKPPA Chairperson
  4. Yau Ching-Yuen — Founder and Chief Editor of online media Post 852
  5. Francis Lee — Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, Chinese University of Hong Kong
  6. Luke Ching Chin-wai — Artist
  7. Vincent Yu — Associated Press Photojournalist

(A)突發新聞 Spot News (共收到 Total Submissions: 92 張)

冠軍 First Prize: 許頌明 — 蘋果日報 Hui Chung Ming — Apple Daily
亞軍 Second Prize: 林俊源—明報  Lam Chun Yuen — Ming Pao
季軍 Third Prize: 鄧宗弘—明報  Tang Chung Wang — Ming Pao
優異 Honorable Mentions:
i) 陳奕釗 — 蘋果日報 Chan Yik Chiu — Apple Daily
ii) 張建邦 — 美聯社 Cheung Kin Pong — Associated Press

(B)一般新聞(共收到 Total Submissions: 156 張)

冠軍 First Prize: 鍾林枝—明報 Chung Lam Chi — Ming Pao
亞軍Second Prize: 蘇正謙 — 星島日報 So Ching Him — Sing Tao Daily
季軍 Third Prize: 李志湧 — 星島日報 Lee Chi Yung — Sing Tao Daily
優異 Honorable Mentions:
i)盧翊銘—端傳媒 Lo Yick Ming — Initium
ii)盧翊銘—明報 Lo Yick Ming — Ming Pao
iii) 李志湧 — 星島日報 Lee Chi Yung — Sing Tao Daily

(C)人物 (共收到 Total Submissions: 162 張)

冠軍 First Prize: 蘇正謙 — 星島日報 So Ching Him — Sing Tao Daily
亞軍Second Prize: 葉家豪 — 端傳媒 Yip Ka Ho — Initium
季軍 Third Prize: 曾國宗 — 南華早報 Tsang Kwok Chung —SCMP
優異 Honorable Mentions:
i) 雷日昇 — 星島日報 Lei Jih Sheng — Sing Tao Daily
ii)鄧宗弘—明報 Tang Chung Wang — Ming Pao
iii) 高仲明 — 壹週刊 Ko Chung Ming — Next Magazine

(D)體育 (共收到 Total Submissions: 72 張)

冠軍 First Prize: 何家達 — 蘋果日報 Ho Ka Tat — Apple Daily
亞軍 Second Prize: 易仰⺠ — 蘋果日報 Yik Yeung Man — Apple Daily
季軍 Third Prize: 鍾林枝—明報 Chung Lam Chi — Ming Pao

(E)特寫 (共收到 Total Submissions: 175 張)
冠軍 First Prize: 葉家豪 — 端傳媒 Yip Ka Ho — Initium
亞軍 Second Prize: 蘇正謙 — 星島日報 So Ching Him — Sing Tao Daily
季軍 Third Prize: 謝榮耀 — 蘋果日報 Tse Wing Yiu — Apple Daily
優異 Honorable Mentions:
i) 何君健 —星島日報 Ho Kwan Kin — Sing Tao Daily

(F)自然與環境 (共收到 Total Submissions: 115 張)

冠軍 First Prize: 江智騫 — HK01 Kong Chi Hin — HK01
亞軍 Second Prize: 余俊亮 — 明報 Yu Chun Leung — Ming Pao
季軍 Third Prize: 王智強 — 南華早報 Wong Chi-keung Felix — SCMP
優異 Honorable Mentions:
i)傅俊偉—E週刊 Fu Chun Wai — E Weekly
ii)鄧宗弘—明報 Tang Chung Wang — Ming Pao
iii) 楊柏賢— 蘋果日報 Yeung Pak Yin — Apple Daily

(G)圖片故事Photo Stories (共收到 Total Submissions: 48 輯 Stories , 共 Total of Photos: 589 張)

冠軍 First Prize: 高仲明 — 壹週刊 Ko Chung Ming — Next Magazine
亞軍 Second Prize: 張建邦 — 美聯社 Cheung Kin Pong — Associated Press
季軍 Third Prize: 馮漢柱 — 經濟日報 Fung Hon Chu — Hong Kong Economic Times
優異 Honorable Mentions:
i)郭浩忠—端傳媒 Billy H.C. Kwok — Initium
ii) 鍾偉德 — 蘋果日報 Chung Wai Tak — Apple Daily
iii) 何家達 — 蘋果日報 Ho Ka Tat — Apple Daily


由香港攝影記者協會舉辦之《前線‧焦點 2014》周年新聞攝影比賽,於 2015 年 3 月 7 日假油麻地Morphic Collective順利舉行。今屆比賽共收到 92 名參賽者合共 2,121 張作品,經過 7 位評判專業評審選出七個組別的得奬作品,比賽結果如下:



年度圖片 Photo of the Year
麥鈞傑 – 香港商報
人物組 - Portrait




冠軍 Victor Fraile
體育組 - Sport


亞軍 李澤彤 – 明報
體育組 - Sport


季軍 呂小煒 – 新華通訊社
體育組 - Sport


優異 林振東 – am730
體育組 - Sport




冠軍 林振東 – am730
自然與環境組 - Nature and Environment


亞軍 廖雁雄 – 中國日報
自然與環境組 - Nature and Environment


季軍 梁文輝 – 星島日報自然與環境組 - Nature and Environment


優異 葉英傑 – 路透社
自然與環境組 - Nature and Environment


優異 Derek Yung – 自由攝影師
自然與環境組 - Nature and Environment




冠軍 麥鈞傑 – 香港商報
人物組 - Portrait


亞軍 王智強 – 南華早報
人物組 - Portrait


季軍 陳焯煇 – 成報
人物組 - Portrait


優異 Miguel Candela
人物組 - Portrait


優異 余俊亮 – 明報
人物組 - Portrait


優異 鄧宗弘 – 明報
人物組 - Portrait




冠軍 李澤彤 – 明報自然與環境組 - Nature and Environment


亞軍 葉家豪 – 明報
特寫組 - Feature


季軍 郭浩忠 – 自由攝影師特寫組 - Feature


優異 盧翊銘 – 明報特寫組 - Feature


優異 李澤彤 – 明報特寫組 - Feature


優異 李澤彤 – 明報特寫組 - Feature




冠軍 蕭文超 – 路透社突發組 - Spot


亞軍 李澤彤 – 明報突發組 - Spot


季軍 李澤彤 – 明報突發組 - Spot


優異 鍾林枝 – 星島日報突發組 - Spot


優異 莊振邦 -am730突發組 - Spot


優異 余俊亮 – 明報突發組 - Spot




冠軍 羅國輝 – 壹週刊一般新聞組 - News


亞軍 李澤彤 – 明報一般新聞組 - News


季軍 黃偉邦 – 文匯報一般新聞組 - News


優異 盧翊銘 – 明報一般新聞組 - News


優異 廖雁雄 – 中國日報突發組 - Spot


優異 馮凱鍵 – 星島日報突發組 - Spot




冠軍 曾梓洋 – 明報週刊圖片故事組 - Photo Essay


亞軍 蔡文豪 – 大公報圖片故事組 - Photo Essay


季軍 林振東 – am730圖片故事組 - Photo Essay


優異 郭浩忠 – 自由攝影師圖片故事組 - Photo Essay


優異 葉英傑 – 路透社
圖片故事組 - Photo Essay


優異 Roy Liu – 自由攝影師圖片故事組 - Photo Essay