《前線 · 焦點》新聞攝影比賽 “FOCUS AT THE FRONTLINE” Photo Competition


The annual “Focus at the Frontline” Photo Competition, organised by the Hong Kong Press Photographers Association (HKPPA), is the largest scale news photo competition in Hong Kong. It first started in 1993  All the images were shot by working photojournalists and they go through a vigorous judging process. Through this competition, we hop to showcase images with news and artistic values and recognise our colleague’s hard work over the past year.


For the first time, HKPPA is opening the annual “Focus at the Frontline” competition to student entries, introducing two new student categories photo essays and “return to normalcy” themed singles . The entries will go through the same rigorous judging process by professionals in the industry. With this new development, we hope to recognise the work of students’ and their potential in delivering images with news and artistic values.

比賽截止日期及時間 Submissions Deadline

日期: 2024年3月15日(星期五)
Date: Friday, Mar 15, 2024

時間: 晚上 11時59分
Time: 11:59 p.m.

比賽事宜 Competition Details

Hong Kong Press Photographers Association