《前線 · 焦點》 “FOCUS AT THE FRONTLINE” – 比賽細則 Contest Rules

(English Version is available after the Chinese version)

  1. 所有新聞工作者,不論是報章、雜誌還是網上新聞記者均可參加,新聞工作者包括專職攝影記者及文字記者,如: 突發新聞記者、靜態新聞記者、體育新聞記者、娛樂新聞記者、財經新聞記者與副刊各版記者,以及涉及新聞採訪的自由攝影師 (freelance photographer)。(自由攝影師須以新聞攝影為恆常工作)
  2. 學生組別接受各院校全日制學生參加。參賽者需在報名時附上學生證,以確認學生資格。
  3. 不論作品是否曾經被刊登或發表,不論拍攝地點是否在香港,中國還是海外,均可參賽。
  4. 本會會員免費參賽,參賽者須填寫參賽表格。非會員須於 2024 年 3月15 日或之前繳付報名費,否則影響參賽資格。報名費為港幣三百八十元正;學生組別報名費為港幣二百五十元。
  5. 比賽截止日期及時間為 2024 年 3月15 日 晚上11時59分,逾時遞交參賽資料的參賽者將不獲參賽資格。另外,由於網絡流量所限,為避免限期前出現網絡擠塞,做成延誤,敬請盡早上載參賽作品。
  6. 所有參加圖片比賽的作品必須具備圖片說明,否則作品將會被取消資格,並不會作另行通知。
  7. 同一張照片只能參加一個組別 ,不可重複。但參賽者可揀選圖片故事內其中一張圖片參加A~F 其中一個組別。
  8. 同一照片不能重覆編排在多於一組圖片故事中。
  9. 圖片比賽每組分別設冠、亞、季軍各一名,另選不多於三張優異作品,評判不須於每一組均選出「優異」作品。
  10. 所有得獎者作品將用作展覽與場刊用途。本會有權使用得獎作品作宣傳用途而毋須另外付費,事前不會通知參賽者或徵詢其意見。
  11. 參賽作品版權由參賽者自行負責,如因被刊登或使用而引致索償或訴訟,本會概不負責。
  12. 圖片比賽得獎作品將由評審團於評審日選出。《前線。焦點》新聞攝影比賽評審團及本會有權拒絕或取消任何作品的參賽資格。所有參賽作品概不發還。如有任何爭議,評審團擁有最終決定權。評審團成員不可參加比賽。
  13. 參賽作品的後期製作必須符合現行的新聞攝影圖片編輯原則(即一般剪裁、有限度改變光暗、色調、反差,傳統暗房對照片能修改之調整)。凡以電腦或人工竄改、合成、作假之作品一律不接受;若拍攝時設定特效模式,參賽者須在圖片說明中註明該呈現手法,否則本會有權取消其參賽資格。本會有權要求參賽者提交作品原始檔,並以編輯原則作定議。
  14. 同一單張作品或圖片故事不可同時於主組別及學生組別重覆參賽。
  15. 參賽者必須同意並遵守本章程所訂之規則。如有疑問,可於本會的 Messenger 提出,亦可直接聯絡各執委。
  1. The Contest is open to all professional reporters and photojournalists of all sections in newspapers, magazines, and online media. Freelance photographers who consider news photography as a major part of of their work are also welcomed.
  2. The Student Categories accept entries from full-time students from all educational institutes.
  3. Photographs taken in Hong Kong, mainland China, Taiwan and any other overseas countries are welcomed, regardless of whether or not they have been published in any publication.
  4. All participants should fill in the entry form. There is no registry fee for members of HKPPA. For non-members, the registry fee is HK$380. As for the student categories, the application fee is HK$250. Please pay before Mar. 15, 2024 or you may not be eligible for the competition.
  5. Deadline for entry submission is Mar 15, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. Late submissions will be disqualified. Please submit early to avoid any technological problems.
  6. All submitted pictures must include a photo caption, any pictures without a caption will be disqualified without prior notice.
  7. Entering multiple categories with the same photograph is not allowed, with the exception of entering ONE image selected from each photo essay into category A~F.
  8. Repeat entering an individual photograph into different photo essay is not allowed.
  9. There will be one champion, first runner-up and second runner-up for each category. Winners will be awarded a prize and certificate. There will be no more than three honorable mentions in each category. Not each category requires honorable mentions.
  10. The winners’ photographs will be exhibited and/or be used in an exhibition catalogue. HKPPA reserves the right to use the winners’ photographs for marketing purposes free-of-charge without prior consultation with the winners.
  11. Participants should clear the copyright of their photographs and make sure they can be exhibited if won. HKPPA is not responsible for copyright issues.
  12. The jury’s decisions for photo categories will be made on the judging day. The “Focus at Frontline” photo contest independent organising committee and HKPPA reserves the right to disqualify any photographs for the contest. The submitted materials will not be returned. Should there be any disputes, the decision of the independent organising committee will be final. The members of the jury and the independent organising committee are not allowed to enter in this competition.
  13. The content of the picture must not be altered. Processing of photographs should conform to currently accepted standards in the industry (Digital manipulation which adds, rearranges, reverses, distorts or removes people or objects from within the frame is not permitted.) A note must be placed in the caption if any kind of special methods of presentation or effects were used, otherwise the entry will be disqualified. HKPPA may request RAW or original files of the picture for review and provide those findings to the jury.
  14. The same single photo or photo essay cannot be submitted concurrently to both main categories and the student category.
  15. Participants must abide by the above rules. For inquiries, please approach any committee member or leave a comment on our Messenger.


Hong Kong Press Photographers Association