《前線‧焦點2013》新聞攝影比賽參賽表格 Focus at Frontline 2013 Entry Form




此外,經執委會通過及聯絡,是次比賽共有七位評判,包括攝影師、學者、大學教授、圖片總監、藝術界人士等,詳細名單稍後公佈,所有評判不能遞交作品參賽。評審日期訂於二月十五日,於本會會址(石峽尾白田街30號賽馬會創意藝術中心 L6-15 室)舉行,歡迎會員前來觀看。若評判同意,本會將錄影評審過程,其後為會員舉行分享會。

Dear all,

The 2013 ‘Focus at Frontline” Photo contests are now open for participants to enter their work.

Judges this year may include a veteran press photographer, scholar, photo lecturer, photo editor and artist. The name list will be published in the near future. Judges cannot submit photos. Judging will take place on 15 February in JCCAC L6-15 . The judging process may be recorded (pending consent of the judges) and shared with HKPPA members after the contest.

You can download the content rule and entry form in here (Entry form and Content Rule)

The entry form online:

Deadline for entry submission is January 25(Sat) at noon.Late submissions will be disqualified.
